Elevate Your Logistics Operations with CARGORATES.ai

Harness the Power of Simplified and Efficient Rate Management

Centralized Rate Access for Ultimate Efficiency

Easily navigate logistics with CARGORATES.ai

  • Unified Rate Dashboard
  • Consistent Rate Formatting
  • Integrated System Connectivity

Unified Rate Dashboard

Dive into a consolidated platform, showcasing real-time FCL, LCL, and AIR rates from over 30+ carriers and 90+ global airlines, inclusive of inland charges. CARGORATES.ai simplifies your search by bringing together SPOT, FCL, LCL, and AIR rates from an array of carriers and NVOCCs. All your rate needs, now in one dynamic interface.

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Consistent Rate Formatting

The inconsistency in rate formats can be daunting. With CARGORATES.ai, we transform varied contract rate structures into a unified, comprehensible format, streamlining your decision-making.

Integrated System Connectivity

Say goodbye to the challenges of juggling multiple platforms. Our advanced API-driven integration ensures seamless inter-connectivity, providing you with on-demand access to the latest rates across different channels.

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Discover CARGORATES.ai's Distinct Edge

Core Features That Set Us Apart

Instant Rate Notifications

Stay ahead with real-time updates on SPOT, Contract FCL, and LCL Rates. Get rate insights and schedules from each carrier and NVOCC in a snap.

Maximize Efficiency with 50% Time Reduction

Eliminate the chaos of surfing through multiple sources. Witness a 50% surge in time efficiency with CARGORATES.ai.

One-View Rate Analysis

No more tab shuffling. Our platform grants you the luxury of viewing, assessing, and comparing rates on a singular, intuitive dashboard.

Integrative Agent Rate System

Blend in Agent Rates seamlessly, offering a comprehensive view of both carrier and agent rates, be it SPOT or Contract.

Streamlined Rate Benchmarking

Efficiently compare contract rates with SPOT rates, leveraging our coherent presentation.

Transparent Rate Trend Analysis

Stay informed. Track rate dynamics, discern patterns, strategize bookings, and manage your financial outlook with precision.